Australian Coin Sizes

Australian Coin Sizes
Actual SizeAustralian Coin2x2 Holder SizeRound Capsule SizeQuadrum Size
25*5mmHalf penny27*5mm26mm26mm
19mmSixpence20mm19*5mm19 mm
17*53mmOne Cent20mm18mm18mm
21*59mmTwo Cent22*5mm22mm22mm
19*41mmFive Cent20mm19*5mm20mm
23*6mmTen Cents25mm24mm24mm
28*52mmTwenty Cents30mm29mm29mm
31*5mmRound Fifty Cents32*5mm32mm32mm
Multi Facet Fifty Cents35mm32*5mm33mm
19mmHalf Sovereign20mm19*5mm19mm

Australian Banknote Sizes

Australian Pre-Decimal Banknotes have several sizes, I have tried to show the larger size.

Australian Banknote Sizes
Actual SizePre - Decimal Banknotes
197 x 88mm1913 Ten Shilling – blue
197 x 88mmHalf Sovereign – blue
137 x 78mmTen Shilling - orange
137 x 76mmTen Shilling – brown
181 x 81mmOne Pound – dark green
181 x 97mmFive Pounds – blue
181 x 79mmTen Pounds – red yellow
168 x 102mmTwenty Pounds – dark blue
168 x 102mmFifty Pounds – blue & pink
168 x 104mmOne Hundred Pounds – blue
Decimal Paper Notes
140 x 70mm$1
145 x 72*5mm$2
150 x 75mm$5
155 x 77*5mm$10
160 x 80mm$20
165 x 82*5mm$50
172 x 82*5mm$100
Decimal Polymer Notes
130 x 65mm$5
137 x 65mm$10
144 x 65mm$20
151 x 65mm$50
158 x 65mm$100

Australian Coin Gradings and their definitions

  • Good – a coin in this condition with exhibit significat wear. All detail would be clearly identifiable, however lacking in detail. Legends will be clear and legible.
  • Very Good – a coin in this condition will also have significant wear, though less of it. Detail will be slightly more evident and on George V coins, part of the band should be visible and ‘Advance Australia’ legible.
  • Fine – a coin in this grade will have suffered from noticably moderate wear. The more intricate details should be apparent however the high points will usually be completely worn off. George V coins will possess full band on crown and a clearly legible ‘Advance Australia’.
  • Very Fine – a coin in this grade will have some wear, though not easily noticed. Many of the high points will have suffered from some wear, however most of the detail should be apparent. George V coins should display a full and clearly defined center diamond and 6 pearls in the crown. The emu should display a moderate amount of feathers.
  • Extremely Fine – at this point the coin should be easily mistakable for an Uncirculated piece without close inspection. Detail should be clear and virtually complete with only the high points having some degree of wear. It should display a strong cartwheel lustre unless toned. George V coins should display a clear set of 8 pearls unless weakly struck. Emu feathers should be abundant. At this point only George V’s moustache and the center of emu should possess actual circulation wear.
  • about Uncirculated – an aUnc coin refers to a coin that is essentially in mint state, however with trace amounts of friction on the highest points of the coin. It could also, however, refer to a coin that has not experienced any circulation, however has suffered from a very poor strike or excess bagmarks (marks in the field ’caused during bagging of coins). Lustre should be prominent unless toned and appear complete though may be broken on the highest points.
  • Uncirculated – exactly as the term describes, a coin that has not seen a second of circulation. It may not be completely struck, may contain one or two minor rimnicks and some bagging in the fields. However excess of any of these may neccessitate an about Uncirculated grade
  • Choice Uncirculated – essentially a premium example of an Uncirculated piece. Such a piece will be free of rimnicks, with only a couple of bagmarks and should be virtually completely struck up.
  • Gem Uncirculated – an Uncirculated coin that is perfect in all respects to the naked eye. It will not display visible imperfections in the fields and will be fully struck up. It however, may contain traces of bagging under a magnifying glass.
  • Fleur de Coin – A perfect coin, both to the naked eye and otherwise. Usually reserved for proof coins and circulation issues tend not to be struck up to such a degree of perfection.

Australian Banknote Gradings and their definitions

  • UNCIRCULATED – A perfectly preserved note, never mishandled by the issuing authority, a bank teller, the public or a collector. The paper is clean and firm without discoloration. No folds (a bend without braking the surface of the paper) and no creases (a hard fold that has broken the surface of the paper). Corners are sharp and square without any evidence of rounding.
  • ABOUT UNCIRCULATED – A virtually perfect note, with some monor handling. May show very slight evidence of bank counting folds at a corner or one light fold through the center, but not both. An AU note cannot be creased. The paper is clean and bright with original sheen and the corners are not rounded. Europeans may refer to an AU note as EF-UNC or EF (Extremely Fine).
  • EXTREMELY FINE – A very attractive note with light handling evidence. It may have a minimum of three light folds or one strong crease. The paper is clean and firm without discoloration. The corners are sharp and square without any evidence of rounding. Europeans may refer to an EF notes as Good-Very Fine or GVF.
  • VERY FINE – An attractive note with more evidence of handling and wear. It may have several folds both vertically and horizontally. The paper may have minimal dirt or smudging. The paper is still relatively crisp and not floppy.
  • FINE – The note shows considerable circulation with many folds, creases and wrinkling. The paper may not be excessively dirty but has some softness. The edges may show much handling with minor tears in the border. The tears may not extend into the design. There will be no center holes due to excessive folding. The colors are clear but not very bright, a staple hole or two would not be uncommon. Overall it would still be a reasonably desireable looking note.
  • VERY GOOD – Such a note is just about at the end of its useful life and is of little value to the collector unless very rare. The note will display major discoloration and staining as well as numerous tears and even pin holes.
  • From there you go to GOOD (G), and FAIR – POOR. Through these ranges go from “very well used” to “a rag”. At this stage few bother grading as they are getting pretty rough.

Stamps Gradings

  • MUH and MNH are the same, Mint Unhinged and Mint Never Hinged. In this category you can get several price variations, a well centred stamp with no short perforations will be top price, while a stamp off centre with a few short perforations will be cheaper.
  • MLH is Mint Light Hinged Stamp. The stamps in mint but has been stored in a Stamp Album and fixed to the page via a glassine hinge.
  • VFU is a stamp that is used and has a small circular cancelation on one corner of the stamp and does not have any short perforations.
  • FU is a stamp that has a circular cancelation but covers a major part of the stamp design.
  • USED is a stamp that has a bar cancelation that covers most of the stamp design.
  • SPACE FILLER is usually a used stamp, damaged, covered with a lot of cancelation ink, and or has missing perforations.
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